Mole meaning in English | Easy explanation | Indian dictionary

Mole meaning in English: In this article, the meaning of the word ‘Mole’ is explained in easy English with examples, along with its synonyms.

‘Mole‘ pronunciation= mol, maul

Mole meaning in English

The word ‘mole’ has different meanings and we can use it differently. 

1. ‘Mole’ is a tiny permanent brown or black dark spot on a person’s skin.

2. A mole’ is a small animal that lives underground and has dark grey shiny fur.

3. ‘Mole’ is a person who works in an organization and reveals secret information about this organization to a rival organization or enemies.


4. In chemistry, Mole OR Mol is a standard scientific unit for measuring the amount of a substance.


The word ‘Mole’ acts as a ‘Noun’.

The plural noun of the word ‘Mole’ is ‘Moles’.

Sentences that can be formed using the word ‘Mole’ are as follows.


▪ The mole on her cheek makes her more beautiful.

▪ He looks ugly because his face is full of moles.

▪ Indian police have arrested a Pakistani mole.

▪ Mole destroyed all vegetables which are stored in the storeroom.

▪ Mole is a standard scientific unit for measuring large quantities of very small entities.

Mole other meanings

Face mole= A tiny black spot on the face

Mole on body= A tiny black spot on the body

Mole on Right-hand= A tiny dark spot on the Right-hand

Mole on lips= A tiny black or brown spot on the lips

Mole in eyes= A tiny black or brown spot in the eyes

Mole on Left eye= A tiny black or brown spot on the left eye

Mole on Left ear= A tiny black or brown spot on the left ear

Mole on forehead= A tiny black or brown spot on the forehead

Red mole on the body= A tiny red spot on the body


The synonyms of the word ‘Mole’ are as follows.

Undercover agent
Secret agent

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