Migrated meaning in English | Simple explanation-Simple dictionary

Migrated meaning in English: In this article, the meaning of the word ‘Migrated’ is explained in simple English with examples, along with its synonyms and antonyms.

‘Migrated’ pronunciation= mai-greited,ˈmaigreited

Migrated meaning in English

‘Migrated’ means to move to a new place or country for some period of time.

1. ‘Migrated’ means temporary relocation which was done to work in another country and settle in that country for some period.

2. The movement of animals, birds, or fish from one area or habitat to another in search of better food and good weather.

3. Movement from one region to another from time to time, usually seasonally.

4. Transfer of programs, hardware, or similar things from one system to another.

Migrated- English meaning
left one place and moved to another
moved another country for some time
settled in another country for a period of time.


The word ‘Migrated’ acts as a Verb.

Migrated is the past tense of the word ‘Migrate’.

Sentences that can be formed using the word ‘Migrated’ are as follows.


▪ I have many friends who have migrated to other countries for shorter periods.

▪ Do you have friends who migrated for work to another country?

▪ Have you migrated from the state?

▪ I migrated from Hong Kong to Singapore in search of a job.

▪ During the corona period trade migrated from local shops to online shops.

▪ How Humans Migrated Across The Globe.

▪ Name of the state from which migrated.

▪ Are you migrated?

▪ They Migrated 100 Years ago to the United States of America.

▪ Your Account data has migrated to another version. Can not log in to this version.

▪ Birds and animals migrated in search of food.

▪ Migrated means moving from one region to another in search of better.

‘Migrated’ other meanings

migrated family= Family who moved from his native country or place to another country or place for some period of time and settled there

migrated labour= Labor who moved from his native country or place to another country or place for employment purpose

migrated students= Students who moved from their native country or place to another country or place for study purposes

migrated data= Transferred data from one system to another.

migrated person= A person who moved from his native country to another country or place for some period of time


The synonyms of the word ‘Migrated’ are as follows.

gone away
changed residences

The antonyms of the word ‘Migrated’ are as follows.

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